
Tu care-ai stat s-asculţi trecerea mea prin ploaie,prin vânt şi mai departe,în taina desluşită a vârstei vegetale la marginea luminii,vei ştii să spui ce am fost...Read more about me »

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Smoke on the water

miercuri, 28 ianuarie 2009

Listen while reading:

It's good to know I am still alive.Well,at least from that point of view...It's good to know that I can still feel that way...I mean,that didn't happen to me for quite some time,and it was definitely odd. Strange enough,I'm in a good mood. Strange,being given some facts lately. Not strange,considering few small things today. Strange again,considering other things,today as well.
P.S. Get over it. You shouldn't have pressed the X button. End of story.

Today's tagline:
As minti sa spun ca nu regret nimic. Dar iarasi as minti daca as spune ca regret ceva...

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