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Dintr-un motiv sau altul,de la o vreme ma fascineaza Bruce Springsteen. Si da,e genul ala de senaztie pe care nu pot sa o argumentez nici in ruptul capului. Si nici nu-mi pasa prea tare,sincera sa fiu...
On topic,de ce the day I went crazy?
Because...I woke up in a bad mood,felt at least funny all day,been sleepy all day,had a terrible headache that wouldn't go away and then had a bad mood again. And no matter how typical it seems,I still feel this is the day I went crazy.
Because yes,this is the day I started laughing for no apparent reason,the day I slipped down some silly stairs pointing ahead and saying "White House",and the day I almost got stuck in a damn elevator. Oh yes,and the day I ate...4 apples.
Mi-e somn si totusi mai e o ora pana la doua. Cred ca am o scuza,tinand cont ca am dormit 4 ore azi noapte si azi la pranz deloc...Fuck,I think I should go to bed.
And between you and me,do some other ten million things as important. As putea incepe prin a infileta surubelele de unde s-au desprins. :))
Stupid post. But I just felt like it. End of story. And still a few more screws to go.

The day I went crazy
Etichete: personal
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