Listen while reading:
It's good to know I am still alive.Well,at least from that point of view...It's good to know that I can still feel that way...I mean,that didn't happen to me for quite some time,and it was definitely odd. Strange enough,I'm in a good mood. Strange,being given some facts lately. Not strange,considering few small things today. Strange again,considering other things,today as well.
P.S. Get over it. You shouldn't have pressed the X button. End of story.
Today's tagline:
As minti sa spun ca nu regret nimic. Dar iarasi as minti daca as spune ca regret ceva...

Smoke on the water
Etichete: personal
Some sort of biography.
Not that anyone was meant to understand. It's just some sort of silly biography. Silly like in those famous cartoons called Silly Symphony. Perhaps it's a silly symphony after all.
A fost odata ca niciodata...aur.Si frica. Ora trei,si stralucire. Apoi a fost albastru,crem si verde. Ras si cioburi. Lumina iar apoi intuneric. A fost o portocala si niste ursuleti de jeleu.
Telefoane si calculatoare. Galben si rosu in acelasi timp.Rosu aprins. A fost o voce ridicata,iar apoi tacere. "Denver" si-albastru stralucitor. Some sort of "energy" and bubble gum. Taxi,taxi,taxi. Then long live text messages. Smileys. Soare,verde,gri.
"D12".Canon Powershot A410. 8 negru. Servetel,vineri. Munte si ploaie. Povestea unui felinar. Valuri,soare cald si septembrie.
II. Chimie.Camasa alba si cravata. Canon din nou,alb si verde. Zambet,mirare si some sort of smug. Intuneric,iar. Gol si fum. Bob de strugure. "She never took the train alone,she hated being on her own..". "M.D.A". Ballade pour Adeline. Ploaie. Alb,rosu si albastru. Flacara. Puf. Cioburi din nou,si frig.Mult frig. "Un loc indeajuns de frumos incat.." . Samsung. Save the last dance. Chip de inger. Scari si Sprite. Zece.
Soare. Alb si rosu din nou."Please baby wait for me". English. 50. Buffalo. One step closer. Soare iar..De data asta mai mult,mult mai mult. Free hugs. Iris. ":)". Parc. Sepia. Alb,si Mario. Biologie, and some sort of beginning that I was completely unaware of and that proved to be a beginning about two years later. Vara,soare,mare:). Verde. The best of the best. Doar un mesaj,for heaven's sake. Niva,Fanta,Andrada. Ha!(probabil singurele repere "palpabile" by now:P). Institut. Marks & Spencer.
For the moment,blank.
Etichete: personal
Ca de obicei
Ca de obicei,n-o sa spun nimic altceva decat ca sunt geniali.
Statia de metrou Piccadilly Circus,vazuta "de sus" :)
P.S. Short post,I know. Mi-e somn,am maine lucrare la fizica si mai am inca de scris.
School sucks,but I guess you already knew that.
Etichete: England
Actually,summer never went away...
Listen while reading.
I still can't believe that it's winter. Someone pinch me,tell me it's almost mid january and there are 5 months left.
I have a strange summer feeling lately,that tends to become bothering eventually. I mean,I guess not the feeling is the one bothering me,but the fact that it keeps resembling an unreachable,distant time of my life.It's a very odd mix made of last summer and a summer four years ago. Now,that I think of it,they complete each other in the most unusual way. But then again,that's another story.
I feel stuck in some summer days like the guy in Groundhog's Day. But for a totally different reason. I think I do not have anything to change. Whether it's some sort of funny mechanism of self defense, or just a tiny bit of an obssesion,I don't know yet. The only fact still standing is that it's there. It's a time loop that just won't bother to leave me alone,bugging me probably until next summer.
It's funny it never happened to me before. Being stuck for such a long period of time in the same mix of memories and uncertain images and details makes me wonder what on earth happened.
I don't know what happened and why,but I have a certain hunch that I don't even want to.
For unknown reasons,I just can't stop loving summertime. Until now,I was unable to choose my favourite season. Perhaps I couldn't award summer that prize,but it's by far the season that I miss the most. At least now.
I love summer because it's quiet. It's too hot to be noisy. I like that afternoon quiet,when everything sleeps under the incredible heat and because my knees and ankles don't hurt during summer.
I love summer because of the juice comming out from a huge watermelon and because of the early sunrises. And because of my white leather shoes that I miss so.
I love summer for its peaceful nights.
Etichete: personal
New Year Resolutions
Ok,obviously something is wrong. E a 3a postare in decurs de 3 zile...But oh well,instead of complaining I might as well enjoy it. Am vrut blogul asta. Si inca il vreau. Si totusi,e a 3a zi consecutiva in care am ceva de spus. Yee-haw.
Vacanta de iarna,de cele mai multe ori,inseamna zile de leneveala. Sunt sarbatori,e lume ocupata,lume plecata din oras. Deci,leneveala sa fie. Iar leneveala,inseamna,prin definitie,in cazul meu cel putin,idei multe si aiurea. I rule. Yay.
Chestia asta imi aminteste de citatul ala genial al lui Troy. Sau al lui Caroline Graham. Oh well,in definitiv tot al lui Troy era. "Start doing that sort of thing,he'd say,and you'd got a woman with too much time on her hands. And women with too much time on their hands get into trouble. Known fact." Good point you've got there,mate :D Prea mult timp liber in cazul unei femei inseamna mult timp de gandire. Deci,trouble.
Anyway,inafara diverselor idei crete pe care le-am avut,am reusit sa "tes" si some New Year resolutions. Pe care mi-as dori destul de mult sa le si implinesc.
1.Vreau la munte. La un munte inalt,gen Poiana Brasov. Trebuie sa ajung acolo din nou,mi-am promis. Am gasit in sfarsit acel loc suficient de frumos incat.... :). Trebuie doar sa-l mai vad o data.Cel putin.
2. Vreau sa invat sa profit la maxim de camera mea. As putea incepe prin a citi manualul.
3. Mai vreau o zi ca 8 iulie 2007. Cu aceeasi persoana :P [Need a reminder? This picture speaks for itself]
4. Vreau neaparat sa scriu 2-3 scrisori. Cu anumite lucruri pe care nu le-am spus pe parcursul a un an,doi si regret. Doar ca acum e prea tarziu. Vreau sa le scriu si sa le trimit cu o zi,doua inainte sa plec.
5. Poate ca vreau si la mare pana la urma,cine stie?
6. Vreau 5 la mate la bac :)) Si medie peste 8,dar aia sort of goes without saying.
7. Vreau sa devin crafty during the summer.
Cam ceea ce am inceput vara trecuta. Crafts are cute :D
8. Vreau o toamna la fel de plina si de aurie ca cea a lui 2005 si o primavara la fel de verde si de luminoasa ca a lui 2006.O iarna alba si pufoasa ca a lui 2007 si o vara linistita ca a lui 2008.
9. Si nu,lista nu se termina aici. But that's kinda my business. Restul...e sort of private :D
10.Am vrut neaparat sa fie 10,deci uite inca una. Vreau sa ma tin de blog. It migh help later :)
Even more than I imagine.
Dap,that's about it. In linii mari,vreau multe. Mai importante,mai copilaroase,mai colorate. But I guess those are sort of up to myself. Some of them,really. But I guess that's why I said "sort of".
By the way,listen this while reading. If you read it already,press play and then read it again. :))
Etichete: personal
Then again,reclamele din statiile de metrou din Londra tind sa fie cu un pas,doi mai sus decat restul reclamelor din metrou :)
CBS a scris doua reclame foarte tari,bazate pe certitudini. Imi place cum prima dintre ele declara ca e posibil sa pornesti o conversatie cu tovarasul de asteptat trenul despre ea,"but then again maybe not".
Poate ca mai sunt si alte certitudini legate de metroul londonez. Cum ar fi un loc gol intr-un tren ultraaglomerat. Sau un gentleman care tine o umbrela neagra in mana in timpul orelor de varf.Sau o batrana care te priveste fix si iti spune "Cheer up honey,tomorrow can be worse".
Etichete: England
The king is dead! Long live the king!
Listen while reading:
Imi pare rau ca n-am mai scris aici de ceva vreme. Motive? Daca le-as cauta,sunt sigura ca as gasi enorm de multe.Poate ca doar nu vreau.
N-am nici cea mai vaga idee de ce m-am intors aici. M-a lovit acum cateva zile,cand am vrut sa scriu some new year resolutions,un bilant al lui 2008 si alte cateva aiureli.Habar n-am ce s-a inatmplat.
2008 a fost un an foarte complex. Complex si-atat. Per total,a fost ok. Daca aduni,scazi,inmultesti si mai faci niste calcule,cred ca iese totusi ok. Asta pentru cateva zile la superlativ care au schimbat tot semnul ecuatiei.
A fost anul in care am invatat ca,la un moment dat,nimeni si nimic nu te poate ridica odata ce-ai atins fundul prapastiei,si anul in care am invatat sa ascult linistea. Si s-o simt.
A fost anul care m-a invatat sa sper,sa numar zile,sa fiu copil,si sa demonstrez ca totusi nu-s.
(It was a year that made me take the most important decision of my life so far.Decision that I've come to love and hate at the same time..A decision that worries me sick and makes me happy at the same time. .But shh.that's our little secret)
A fost anul in care am invatat ca totusi pot sa ma ridic,dar ca sunt suficient de fraiera incat sa n-o fac.
Ce va fi in 2009? Nu stiu. Om trai si-om vedea. For the moment, I just don't feel like thinking at 2009.
2009 e anul in care fac 19 ani. Anul in care o sa depasesc 18,varsta la care inca eram mica.
Anul in care termin liceul,si anul in care dau bacul...Anul in care o sa merg la facultate,indiferent ce implica asta. Mai departe nu mai continui,ca mi-e frica sa nu pasesc pe un taram pe care nu am voie sa calc inca. I shall see further on.
Pana una,alta...La multi ani,2009!
Etichete: personal
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