Not that anyone was meant to understand. It's just some sort of silly biography. Silly like in those famous cartoons called Silly Symphony. Perhaps it's a silly symphony after all.
A fost odata ca niciodata...aur.Si frica. Ora trei,si stralucire. Apoi a fost albastru,crem si verde. Ras si cioburi. Lumina iar apoi intuneric. A fost o portocala si niste ursuleti de jeleu.
Telefoane si calculatoare. Galben si rosu in acelasi timp.Rosu aprins. A fost o voce ridicata,iar apoi tacere. "Denver" si-albastru stralucitor. Some sort of "energy" and bubble gum. Taxi,taxi,taxi. Then long live text messages. Smileys. Soare,verde,gri.
"D12".Canon Powershot A410. 8 negru. Servetel,vineri. Munte si ploaie. Povestea unui felinar. Valuri,soare cald si septembrie.
II. Chimie.Camasa alba si cravata. Canon din nou,alb si verde. Zambet,mirare si some sort of smug. Intuneric,iar. Gol si fum. Bob de strugure. "She never took the train alone,she hated being on her own..". "M.D.A". Ballade pour Adeline. Ploaie. Alb,rosu si albastru. Flacara. Puf. Cioburi din nou,si frig.Mult frig. "Un loc indeajuns de frumos incat.." . Samsung. Save the last dance. Chip de inger. Scari si Sprite. Zece.
Soare. Alb si rosu din nou."Please baby wait for me". English. 50. Buffalo. One step closer. Soare iar..De data asta mai mult,mult mai mult. Free hugs. Iris. ":)". Parc. Sepia. Alb,si Mario. Biologie, and some sort of beginning that I was completely unaware of and that proved to be a beginning about two years later. Vara,soare,mare:). Verde. The best of the best. Doar un mesaj,for heaven's sake. Niva,Fanta,Andrada. Ha!(probabil singurele repere "palpabile" by now:P). Institut. Marks & Spencer.
For the moment,blank.

Some sort of biography.
Etichete: personal
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